Peer Tutoring
The Students’ Association Peer Tutoring program is a course-specific tutoring service providing support in course material at your convenience. Every peer tutor has been through a rigorous approval process, which includes verification that they have achieved 3.0 or higher GPA in the courses that they would like to teach, as well as an in-person interview to judge communication and teaching skills.
The Students’ Association has partnered up with Nimbus Learning, a mobile learning platform provider, to ensure that we can easily provide support for as many courses as possible at Red Deer Polytechnic, while making the booking, communication and scheduling process as easy as can be.
Become a Tutor
The Students Representative Council is also looking for knowledgeable tutors who possess an 3.0 or higher GPA in the course(s) they wish to teach. As a tutor you can gain valuable teaching experience, earn up to $20 an hour and choose your own availability.
If interested, please complete this application.
Tutors agree to familiarize themselves with the Red Deer Polytechnic policy on academic integrity and to meet clients in academic buildings on campus or other locations provided on the app.
The Tutor’s Handbook explains the operation of the Nimbus app for tutors (please find in the tutor recruitment, step 5 folder)