
Student Voices = Student Choices

The Students’ Association is here to represent all students on campus. To do this requires representation from the student body and this means we need your voice. Here are some […]

Your Students’ Association at Work

EXPANSION In 2016, the students of Red Deer College voted to donate $500,000 to the College for the development of the Gary W. Harris Canada Games Centre. In recognition of […]

College recognizes Students’ Association donation with allocation of Train Station for SA use

Tuesday, April 5 was a special day for the Students’ Association of Red Deer College and the College itself. It was a day celebrating the Students’ Association’s $500,000 donation to […]

RDC students elect 2016-2017 Executive Council

The 2016 Students’ Association Executive Elections are now at an end. Welcome and congratulations to the 2016-2017 Executive team! 2016-2017 Executive President: Maryanne McGrath VP College Affairs: Ben Fleury VP […]

Students’ Association membership donates $500,000 to Harris Centre

The Students’ Association’s membership has donated $500,000 to the Gary W. Harris Centre for Health, Wellness & Sport. “This is truly a monumental time in the history of Red Deer […]

Students’ Association Executive Elections take place March 15 and 16

Hello Everyone, James Hill here, your friendly neighborhood Elections Officer. With all the hoopla going on around campus, I’m sure you have noticed that we are in the middle of […]