EUS at its best …

If you’re not a part of the Education Undergrad Society, you’re missing out. We have had many great events so far such as our membership drive, Teachers Appreciation Day, our annual clothing sale and our first professional development session on E-Liability.

We are planning on having many more fantastic events just for you.

What the heck is EUS?

We are a society managed by a board of elected executive officers that is open to education students and anyone else interested in the field of education. By becoming a member of the EUS you get to experience much more than the average education student.

The EUS puts on many different events to make your college experience the best. We put on events like fundraisers, professional development sessions in a wide variety of education topics, and our main event, the annual Education Formal.

Being part of the EUS also gets you first notice of volunteer opportunities as well as inside info about all events that our partners, the Students’ Association, host.

On top of all that, your EUS membership also allows you to become an official student member of the Alberta Teachers Association. This gives you even more benefits such as free ATA magazines/newsletters, access to the ATA library/resources, and the inside scoop on the latest developments in Alberta education.

In summary, by becoming a member of the EUS you are guaranteed to have an amazing college experience as you work towards becoming a teacher. If you are interested in joining the Education Undergrad Society or have any questions, please visit our office in Room 2406 or send us an email at [email protected].

Our events so far …

Our membership drive was a great success. We are a society of over 180 members! Thank you to our members for being a member of our society. We will do the best we can.

You may have also noticed us out in the hallways with big gigantic cards. We were getting education students to sign cards for the instructors in the Education Department. We had many people sign these cards and then we delivered them to the instructors. They were in awe. Brent Galloway, chair of the Education Department, came to our meeting one day and he said, “It really made my day.”

We held our annual clothing sale at the end of October. We sold jackets, hoodies, and sweats for students in the education program. Due to popular demand we will be bringing the clothing sale back for a second round! More details to come.

We’ve had two PD Sessions so far. There was a great turnout at our first PD Session of the year. The topic was E-Liability and Cory Schoffer of the ATA came to present. There was great attendance and it was a terrific message for teachers to be aware of what they are doing online.
Stephen Pottage from Hunting Hills joined us for a PD Session on Google Drive on November 28. We were very happy that we had so many people sign up for that one and come out. Google is one of those things that will be used in the everyday life of teachers when we graduate. It is very important that we have the skills to know how to use the program. We are planning on having many more PD Sessions this year.

Our bake sale raised $325. Thank you to all of the volunteers and those who baked something for the bake sale. We are planning on having one in the New Year. Candy Grams was a great hit as well. Thanks to all of you for supporting the EUS.

The Education Undergrad Society’s office will be closed for the holidays. We will reopen when we come back in the New Year. If you have any ideas, comments, or questions, please post it on our Facebook page or contact one of the Executives.

Upcoming Events

  • Jan. 3 to 10: Bottle Drive
  • Jan. 31, 2014: Annual Education Formal, 6 p.m. – 1 a.m., Westerner Park

Happy holidays and see you in the New Year!