Lots to do: scholarships, elections & more

It seems in the blink of an eye the year is almost over, but that’s what happens when you are busy having fun or having fun being busy.

Even though we are closing in on the end of the school year, that doesn’t mean things are slowing down. There are scholarships to apply for, elections to take part in, and next year to look forward to …

For those students who haven’t had the chance to apply for scholarships, there are tons of applications that are still open and there is no better time than right now to apply! Simply head to the RDC website

Another great opportunity RDC student is to become more involved with your Students’ Association — either on Council or as an executive. Nominations are open so stop by and the awesome staff would be happy to answer any and all questions. Don’t wait too long though, the nomination period closes March 13.

For those who haven’t noticed yet, the Students’ Association is gearing up the Canada Winter Games coming to Red Deer College February 2019. WAIT! That’s only one year away! If you have questions regarding how this will affect you or other students now is the time to start asking, if you haven’t already. Calendars for February, March and April 2018 line the hallway by the SA office; we don’t want anyone to be in the dark about how these four exciting weeks will play out.

Trying to write down all of the exciting things that I have been up to over the last couple months has been harder than I thought! I am enjoying the challenge from both my role as Vice President College Affairs as well as President, I believe that both roles have allowed me to grow professionally as well as personally. Plus, I discovered a new passion for Academics!

After the bi-election, the exec team hit the ground running. We have been striving to represent the students’ voice at every opportunity including at Academic Council, Policy Committee, Canada Winter Games Committee. It has been great experience being able to provide feedback on things such as Final Exam Policy, the academic schedule after the addition of the Fall reading break and the Sexual Violence Policy.
The Students’ Association has also hosted a number of fun and informative events. Some of my favourite events include learning about sexual health at Risqué Bingo, shredding away my problems during Mental Health Week and, of course, seeing the smiling faces of students picking up some free taco in a bag during the first week back in January!

As a whole, the SA has been working hard to present exciting new bylaws and easy-to-use information about where your fees are going. I look forward to finishing the year out alongside the other executives with more awareness events and exploring political endeavors.

This time of year I really get the urge to burst out of my office, which also makes me more accessible for students to provide their insight and feedback. I encourage any students to come chat when you see me ‘Out & About.’

My closing reminder is for students to get involved in any way possible. Not only is it fun and a great opportunity to network and make friends but there is also something to be said about the benefits to your studies when you are more engaged.