RDC elects 2017-2018 SA executive

Students at Red Deer College elected the 2017-2018 Students’ Association executive March 14, 15 and 16 in its annual spring general election.

The new executive team is: William Baliko, President; Kara Canning, Vice President College Affairs; Marian Young, Vice President Operations and Chaise Combs, Vice President Student Life. The team officially takes office May 1, 2017.

The current executive team – Ben Fleury, President; Nonso Onwuekwe, Vice President Operations and Aiden Bridger, Vice President Student Life –
remain in office until April 30, 2017.

Fall Reading Break
Students also overwhelmingly showed their support for a fall Reading Break with 86.2 percent in favour of such a break being instituted at Red Deer College.