RDC students elect 2018-19 Executive Team

Students at Red Deer College elected the 2018-2019 Students’ Association executive March 22 in its general election.

The new executive team is: Chaise Combs, President; Esther Oliva-Dzib, Vice President Academic; Adam Shendaruk, Vice President Operations and Brittany Lessard, Vice President Community & Wellness. Students also elected members of SA Council — Justine Ecker, Kendra Gagne and Ian Miller.

All newly elected members of Executive Council and SA Council officially take office May 1, 2018.

“We would like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the election,” said President Kass Scholze, “especially to all the candidates.

“It takes a lot put yourself out there and run a campaign while maintaining your studies. It clearly demonstrates how passionate students are about their education their future and Red Deer College.”

The current executive team —  Kass Scholze, President; Marian Young, Vice President Operations and Chaise Combs, Vice President Student Life — remain in office until April 30, 2018.