Student Ambassador program positivity helps students learn and grow

I was so shy when I came to the college, but through the Student Ambassador Program, I have had many opportunities to meet other students. I have even come to look forward to volunteering with new people.

The workshops offered by the Ambassador program are very practical. They have helped me to adjust to new experiences and the challenges of the RDC environment.

Every event that happens through the Ambassador program is so positive — always focused on building up the students and showing us how to become more independent and rely on our strengths — while also giving us time to get to know the other students and work together.

I never saw myself as a public speaker but after only a few months in the program, I was enjoying teaching other students and looking for more ways to interact with new students. Several of the people that I met through the Ambassador program have become my closest friends at the college. Faculty are so understanding about the stresses that the students face.

The support of the faculty and the flexibility of the workshops have allowed me to continue participating in the program, while working full-time and managing a moderate course load.