Student Council plays important role at RDC

Things are gearing up here as we head into election season at the Students’ Association. Nominations for your Students’ Association Student Council closed at 4 p.m. Sept. 23.

Make sure to keep your eyes open from Sept. 24 to 30 as campaigning gets underway. The candidates will be informing you why Student Council is important and they should be your voice on Council and what makes them a great choice to be a student leader and representative.

Council is many things, but to summarize, it is a group of students elected from the larger student body who represent their peers on campus. It is the highest governing body of the Students’ Association, and thus directs how we operate. Finally, Student Council is a  group of students who want to make a difference and affect change for the betterment of Red Deer College and all students on this Campus. Council member bringing forward concerns of students and inform students of issues on campus that will affect them. They also help run events to engage students.

All of this work is important because student representation ensures that students are taken into account when decisions are made on campus. Without this voice, the College is not going to know what students really want and remain accountable to the primary stakeholders of this institution.

Upcoming Council events include a Student Council Forum in the Library North Nook today (Sept. 25) at 4:30 p.m. Come out and learn how Council’s work impacts students at Red Deer College. Students at the Donald School of Business (RDC’s downtown campus) will also have an opportunity to learn about Council at an event Sept. 29 at 10 a.m.

And lastly, remember every voice counts. Exercising your democratic right is something that should be done every opportunity you can.