Student recognition nominations now open

Do you know a student who goes above and beyond their curriculum expectations and/or contributes positively to the culture of Red Deer College? Then consider nominating them for a Student Recognition Award.

Student Recognition Awards seek to acknowledge students who:

  • Inspire fellow students to create and maintain an open environment and encourage growth and success in the development of a project or idea.
  • Innovative in taking a proactive approach and encourage innovation; seeing the overall scope and articulate a clear vision while engaging others — consistency, persistence and accountability in action.
  • Leaders inspiring others to take action and act as a positive role model, coach or mentor to others.
  • Courageous in communicating openly & honestly to enhance a collaborative environment –even when challenged with the status quo.
  • Community involvement demonstrated through volunteering, co-curricular activities and the like.

The nomination form can be found at recognition award nomination form
Nominations to be dropped off at the Student Funding and Awards Office (Room 1101) . Deadline is Monday, March 2 at 4:30 p.m.