The 2016-2017 Winter Council is …

Red Deer College students elected their 2016-2017 Winter Council October 6. Over 10 percent of the student population took part in the online vote.

These 12 councilors, in conjunction with the Students’ Association Executive, will represent RDC students throughout the coming months. Council represents students by listening to student concerns, contributing to student life and wellness, and being conscious of developments in post-secondary.

2016-2017 Winter Council
• William Baliko
• Shantelle Bron
• Kara Canning
• Lindsay Currie
• Shelby Dushanek
• Charity Lehn
• Faith MacIntyre
• Sylvie Masson
• Carmen McGrath
• Christiana Pochailo
• Mitchell Visser
• Marian Young

A number of Ex Officio (non-voting members) may also be appointed to Students’ Association Council.