Top 5 things to say on the weekend

1. Say YOLO a lot people love that. We all know how cool Drake is and if you talk like him it makes you that much cooler.

2. Tell everyone how cool you were in high school because we all know that if you were cool in high school then YOU’LL BE COOL IN COLLEGE.

3. Tell everyone how much you partied and how the parties were like American Pie. Use the following conversation for guidance: “Yeah bro the bar is so lame compared to the parties I had in high school near Rimbey/Stettler/Acme/Lone Rock” – oh cool dude *leaves conversation* and guess what… that conversation was on Facebook.

4. Tell everyone you’re pre-Law, when you’re sociology major… (this goes for science students. Might as well call yourself doctor.)

5. Talk about your GPA. Telling everyone about your 4.5 GPA and how you don’t study makes YOU the star of every conversation.

The reality is there really are no cool people in college. College is a time of acceptance and most people don’t really care.The perfect example is: It’s exam time and you journey to the library to go study near the couches. As you arrive you’re startled by the students sleeping on the couches. It obvious that they needed that nap after the long periods of studying Facebook and Instagram.

However, if I am being serious I would say college is a time about reinventing yourself, making new friends, and developing new interests.

“Well, how do I do any of that?” you ask.

Well it’s easy Jimmy — Join a student group, talk to random people in your class and introduce yourself. Take chances and risks and enjoy your time.

Welcome to College.