Work hard, play hard, tell the legend … Make the most of your College experience

It is the start of a new school and we at the Students’ Association are ready for you!

My name is Marian Young and I am the Vice President Operations with the SA. Myself — and the whole team at the SA — have been working all summer (Okay. Most of the summer. We took some vacation days.) getting ready for the halls of Red Deer College to once again fill.

For those of you that are new; welcome. Come and stop by for a chat. We’d love to meet you. School, as I am sure you’ve heard to death by now, can be as challenging as it is rewarding. You will meet new people. You will discover a new hallway while trying to avoid that person from high school. You will discover new levels of homework hell, as well as new ways to procrastinate.

To our returning students; welcome back. Come on up for a visit. We’d be happy to see you again. You have found your pen and dug out a binder. You return to RDC older, wiser, and with an awesome summer escapade story to wow the first years (Remember: When the truth gets in the way of the legend, tell the legend).

Now you’ve all waited in line at the book store for 20 minutes, figured out which second floor your class is on (did you know we have four separate second floors?), and had a drink at the Far Side Bar & Grill with your friends, You are one hundred percent ready for anything this semester can throw at you!

Right? Right.

I encourage you to make the most of College this year. Work hard. Play hard. Do your homework. Take a Mental Health Day. Sleep through your alarm. Get good grades. Go to bed early. Get bad grades. Go to class. Stay up until dawn. Binge on Netflix. Go to a party. Stay in.

You do you.

You are going to get out of this year exactly what you put into it.

College is the beginning of a great adventure! Or maybe it’s the middle of your adventure! Who knows? But it is definitely a stepping stone in your adventure. It might feel like just a casual stroll through a sunlit garden as squirrels chitter gently at you, or it might feel like you are crouched on a boulder in the middle of a raging river trying to judge the distance between you and the river bank.

Whatever the type of adventure you are undertaking, your Students’ Association is always here to help.

Have a fantastic semester and I’m sure I will see you around.

Follow us on Social Media and keep an eye out for our new hashtags. #out&about and #WednesdayWalks.

My one tip for the year: Don’t update your computer in the middle of typing an assignment (*cough Viewpoints article cough*). It will take ages longer than you expect and your assignment (article) will be late.