Kass Scholze joins the SA Executive team

Hello RDC, My name is Kass and I am excited to introduce myself as your new SA President. Currently I am in the Visual Arts program moving towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts aspiring to one day becoming an art instructor.

I look forward to the challenge ahead of me as I learn new skills and network through out the college. I am thrilled to join our already amazing team of executives to maximize the experience of fellow students.

I believe that working together this strong group of individuals can overcome any obstacle. Included in my networking, I hope to meet as many students as I can and better my understanding what is working and where we can improve.

Although my future is filled with orientation for many councils/committees alongside my daily duties, I want emphasize my invitation to all students to not fear approaching me or coming up to the Students’ Association office. There is always time to share who I am and what I am doing.



Become part of the SA’s Partners for Life team

Hello All! Did we enjoy our first month back? No? Well, don’t complain too much. The rest of the year is still to come.

What is coming this semester you may wonder. Well, let me tell you about some of the stuff that the SA has coming up:

Partners for Life Challenge
Earlier this month, you saw a group of dedicated volunteers at both campuses booking appointments for Canadian Blood Services. Can’t get to the donation clinic on your own? The Life Bus is coming to campus! While the October bus is fully booked, spaces are available on the November 23 Life Bus. Book your appointment at the SA’s Main Office.

Also, did you know that SARDC has a goal of collecting 800 donation this year? Follow these steps to join our challenge:

If you donate, register for Students’ Association of Red Deer College: visit https://blood.ca/en/blood/join-your-organization Use the Partner ID Number: REDD011471 (four letters, six numbers) This is a one-time registration. Once registered, your past and future donations will automatically count toward the Students’ Association of Red Deer College. Invite your friends and family to donate with our team!

Mental Health Week
From October 30 to November 3, the focus will be on mental health. Each day will bring different activities and themes designed to help students de-stress, relax, and thrive!

Issues Committee
Keep watch on social media for the announcement of the first meeting of Issues Committee. This committee is chaired by the VP Operations. There are many issues and concerns students bring forward each year to the Students’ Association. It is the responsibility of this group to identify and respond to student concerns and campus safety issues. They will identify strategies to resolve issues and forward these recommendations to the Executive and Students’ Association Councils.  Any student may sit on this committee.
You can reach me at any time at [email protected]

I will leave you now with a joke:

A horse walks into a bar and orders a beer.  The bartender asks the horse “Are you a talking horse?”

The horse answers, “I don’t think I am.” The horse disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Rene Descartes was a 17th Century philosopher who theorized, through the use of methodological skepticism, “I think therefore I am”.

But if I told you that first, I’d be putting Descartes before the horse.



Upcoming campaigns focus on important issues including gender diversity and drug awareness

With the school year in full-swing, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about some awesome upcoming events and campaigns the Students’ Association will be offering this semester.

Later this month, the Students’ Association is partnering with Pride on Campus, Central Alberta Pride and the Trans and Non-Binary Aid Society (TANAS) on Sexual/Gender Diversity events. The first event, Roundtable Discussion, takes place on main campus Tuesday, October 24 in Room 2603, starting at 6 p.m. The second event, Obscure Orientations, takes place at the Donald School of Business Thursday, October 26 in Room 310, starting at 6 p.m.

Earlier this month, the Students’ Association joined with Central Alberta Pride to host a speaker series in the Cenovus Center in honor of National Coming Out Day. All three events are part of the Sexual/Gender Diversity campaign coming out of the Vice President Student Life office.

In November, we will be rolling out our Drug Awareness campaign. The initiative will focus on addiction, recovery, the opioid crisis, and responsible gambling/drinking. We will be teaming up with multiple internal and external partners to make this campaign as impactful as possible. We also hope to start offering Narcotics Anonymous meetings on campus starting sometime this fall.

On November 15, be sure to stop by the Forum to check out the Volunteer Expo. This will be on of the biggest Expos yet! This will help introduce young ambitious students like yourself to local organizations looking to make a difference and recruit volunteers.

December is synonymous with Christmas, snow, and finals. Don’t sweat it too much though because the Students’ Association has your back. To keep you sane during the last month of this semester we will be holding our Great Hot Chocolate event to keep you warm and wired through one of the toughest months of the year.

Be on the lookout for other events such as Mental Health Week, Lip Sync Battle, and as always, Karaoke on Tuesdays in the Far Side Bar and Grill!



Students’ Association president resigns

William Baliko has resigned from the position of President of the Students’ Association of Red Deer College.

In accordance with Students’ Association bylaws, recently-elected Vice President College Affairs Kass Scholze will assume the role of President. Vice President Operations Marian Young had assumed the temporary position of acting President to allow Scholze time to consider what the new role would mean.

SA Executive Council — President Kass Scholze, Vice President Operations Marian Young, Vice President Student Life Chaise Combs — and the recently-elected Student Council will continue to represent and advocate for the students of Red Deer College.

Make time for self-care

Phew! We’ve made it through our first month of classes. Congratulations!

As a second year student, I am finding getting back into the groove of being a student can be difficult. The novelty of post-secondary has faded and now it’s just classes, assignments, blackboard discussions, meetings, and readings. SO MUCH READING.

I just wanted to remind everyone that although your grades and classes are important, so is your mental health! Take care of yourself this semester.

Self-care comes in all forms. Whether you prefer going for walks, drawing, listening to music, or even sleep, taking time to do something for yourself is essential to your long-term success.

Stress can negatively affect your thoughts, emotions, body, and behaviour. If you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to stop in and see someone in the Counseling and Career Center.

Learning to manage your stress and responsibilities is a huge part of college. Believe me, I’m in the same boat. If you aren’t feeling the need to talk to a professional, do me a favour and do something for yourself. You can always pop into the SA office for a chat too.

Until next time, take care nerds!

Chaise Combs

Student Ambassadors pledge to start a kindness movement at RDC

Student Ambassadors Leadership Program is off and running.


Some of the members of the program volunteered to run, trot, hobble, or walk at the annual Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 17. It was a perfect day for an outdoor activity and they gave up their Sunday to take part in an important event.

The Ambassadors also attended the Kindness Diaries speaker event September 20, and were gifted with a special session afterwards. Leon Logothetis, from the Netflix series the Kindness Diaries, gave them a half-hour workshop ending with a pledge to be kind and start a kindness movement at the college.

Look for them throughout the year as they do acts of kindness.

Make your Mark

The Students’ Association advocates for and represents students as well as provides services that enhance student life on campus. The Association is led by student leaders elected by students.

Executive Council vacancy

The position of Vice President College Affairs is currently vacant which means there will be a bi-election later this month to fill this position.
Nominations open the first day of classes. Come to the SA Office if you’re interested in becoming the next Vice President College Affairs!

The VP College Affairs assists students with academic and non-academic appeals. They also provide feedback on proposed curriculum and policy changes. In addition, they work to resolve issues students are facing at Red Deer College. The VP College Affairs also assist the President in their duties and assumes the responsibilities of the President in their temporary absence.

The VP College Affairs must take a maximum of 15 academic credits per term and must also maintain a minimum of 20 offices hours during the regular business hours of the SA. The elected VP College Affairs must also attend events which are outside of the standard office hours.

To qualify to run in the bi-election for the position of the VP College Affairs, a student must be enrolled as a Red Deer College student – Collaborative students may not stand as candidates – and have achieved a minimum of 2.0 GPA during the most recent Winter Semester.
Individuals who have previously served two elected terms as a member of the Executive Council are also not eligible unless four years have elapsed.

Student Council

Students’ Association Council addresses student needs and concerns, so a large part of the job is listening to students and taking action to lobby for their rights and make their experience at College the best it can be. Council organizes informative awareness campaigns and fun events to improve the student experience. Each councilor represents one of the six Schools at RDC and an SA-recognized student group on campus.

Council meets every two weeks to give reports, reflect on initiatives and/or campaigns, and discuss the governance and finances of the organization. Each Councillor is required to sit on at least two Council-related committees and attend at least two Council-sponsored events per month.

Beyond that, Council is all about time, effort, and commitment you are willing to invest in yourself and your student constituents! You’ll learn valuable skills and make new friends.

If you are interested in running for a seat on Council or the elections processes, contact Martin Cruz at [email protected] or 403-356-4964.

Exercise your voting skills

It’s time to exercise your voting skills and make your mark! Voting is online through the Loop and begins September 26 at 9 a.m. to elect the Students’ Association Council and the Vice President College Affairs. Voting closes September 28 at 3 p.m. followed with the announcement and results party at the Far Side Bar & Grill!

A New Chapter: Time to open your book

“Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember,  Involve me and I learn.”

Off to college — growing up — the next stage of life — starting a new chapter.

We’ve all heard them … those tiny phrases and simple terms used to describe this general insanity that we are all expected to smoothly transition through.

This move to adulthood is something we are all told is necessary; and maybe it is, but don’t spend too much time focusing on that. Not today, not when so much opportunity is constantly circulating around us here.

Besides, many of the most inspiring individuals focused on not growing up: Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Robin Williams, and Vincent van Gogh, just to name a few. These accomplished visionaries and heroes made a point to look through the world with youthful eyes, searching for ways to find joy and then to share it.

And that’s it! The magic key.

Yes, this change in life is huge, there will be down days, there will be learning the hard way, but around every corner there will be chances to do something new, meet someone new, and experience something new.  Trust me (or not), take those chances!

I remember my first couple weeks here. I was completely new to Red Deer, had never been to this kind of school, and just about everything was new to me. It was terrifying. It was a pure adventure. It was also a period that taught me an immense amount about myself — a time of drastic personal growth.

I became involved in groups and events I had no previous knowledge of, like Students’ Association Council, which was a whole new world of adventure and excitement!  These new experiences tested me in ways I never expected, which also meant I was exposed to talents and areas of enjoyment that I did not know I had. The takeaway from this is that the possibilities are endless!

So take some time to get to know you by pushing you out there. Get out and find out! As a former professor here used to say, “Jump into the mote!” Sure, the water might be cold, but the castle is yours for the taking.

And guess what? You are likely already out of your comfort zone just because of this life change. Now that you are already out there, why not explore further?

We are told these are the best days of our lives — I think these can be the best days — the choice is yours.

Like the quote at the top of this article: you can read about it (“tell me”) and forget, you can hear about it (“teach me”) and maybe remember, or you can get involved and actually learn and grow.

Yes, this is a new chapter, this is a chance to open up the book of your life and write the next part of your story.

Like my Dad says, “Welcome to the next day of the rest of your life; welcome to unlimited opportunity — your opportunity.”



Work hard, play hard, tell the legend … Make the most of your College experience

It is the start of a new school and we at the Students’ Association are ready for you!

My name is Marian Young and I am the Vice President Operations with the SA. Myself — and the whole team at the SA — have been working all summer (Okay. Most of the summer. We took some vacation days.) getting ready for the halls of Red Deer College to once again fill.

For those of you that are new; welcome. Come and stop by for a chat. We’d love to meet you. School, as I am sure you’ve heard to death by now, can be as challenging as it is rewarding. You will meet new people. You will discover a new hallway while trying to avoid that person from high school. You will discover new levels of homework hell, as well as new ways to procrastinate.

To our returning students; welcome back. Come on up for a visit. We’d be happy to see you again. You have found your pen and dug out a binder. You return to RDC older, wiser, and with an awesome summer escapade story to wow the first years (Remember: When the truth gets in the way of the legend, tell the legend).

Now you’ve all waited in line at the book store for 20 minutes, figured out which second floor your class is on (did you know we have four separate second floors?), and had a drink at the Far Side Bar & Grill with your friends, You are one hundred percent ready for anything this semester can throw at you!

Right? Right.

I encourage you to make the most of College this year. Work hard. Play hard. Do your homework. Take a Mental Health Day. Sleep through your alarm. Get good grades. Go to bed early. Get bad grades. Go to class. Stay up until dawn. Binge on Netflix. Go to a party. Stay in.

You do you.

You are going to get out of this year exactly what you put into it.

College is the beginning of a great adventure! Or maybe it’s the middle of your adventure! Who knows? But it is definitely a stepping stone in your adventure. It might feel like just a casual stroll through a sunlit garden as squirrels chitter gently at you, or it might feel like you are crouched on a boulder in the middle of a raging river trying to judge the distance between you and the river bank.

Whatever the type of adventure you are undertaking, your Students’ Association is always here to help.

Have a fantastic semester and I’m sure I will see you around.

Follow us on Social Media and keep an eye out for our new hashtags. #out&about and #WednesdayWalks.

My one tip for the year: Don’t update your computer in the middle of typing an assignment (*cough Viewpoints article cough*). It will take ages longer than you expect and your assignment (article) will be late.



Chaise’s Declassified School Survival Guide

So you’re new to post-secondary — maybe you’re even new to Red Deer. You’re asking yourself, “how do I succeed in this novel environment?”

Well, you’re in luck – I was in the same boat last year and somehow or another, I survived my first year of college and so can you. I’ve recently been asked to write about the experience of coming to a new school and lay out some survival tips to help students like yourself get through their first year. Follow these tips and you can’t go wrong.

To begin, let’s talk about the first few weeks of school. I’m not going to sugar coat it, they can be hectic. You’re going to have a lot of information coming your way and it can be hard at times to prioritize what you need to focus on. My advice would be to focus on getting your books, class schedule, and friends in order. It won’t take many classes before you start recognizing familiar faces. You’ll be able to tell who is serious about their schooling and who you want on your team. Good classmates are an important key to your success in post-secondary.

My second piece of advice is the most important. Get involved. Immerse yourself in the college experience. Sure, you could go directly to and from class, study quietly in the library, and generally keep to yourself. On the other hand, why pass up the countless opportunities that exist in advanced education to better yourself? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should skip class and refuse to study.

I am saying, however, join a student group, start one, find a study group, volunteer, take time after class to talk to your professors, make friends, and go to parties! Make the most of your time here. These are the things that will get you through college mentally and emotionally intact. Sleep also helps, I guess.

Now on to a major cause of stress for students — exams. “What if I haven’t found a study group yet?” Don’t panic! This is where those classmates are going to come in handy. Meet up with a few select classmates and spend a couple hours comparing notes.

Trust me. This REALLY helps. Quizzing each other is a good way to learn and reinforce those tricky concepts.

If I’m being honest, this next tip is something I had to learn the hard way. Keep up with your assigned readings. Don’t be the person at the end of the semester trying to read three textbooks over a weekend. I’ve tried it myself and it doesn’t really work out that well.

College is a unique and exciting time for all of us. We’re here to study, to get our diplomas and our degrees, but that’s not all. Most importantly, we are here to become who we are going to be in life.

Do what makes you happy but also do what makes you uncomfortable. Really, it’s all about finding a balance. None of us really knows where this journey will take us. I have a feeling though, that when we get there, we’ll understand.