Welcome to RDC: Get WoW’d!

We are eager to welcome both our new and returning students to Red Deer College for the 2017 – 2018 school year — which promises to be filled with fun, adventure, and yes, even learning.

If you are new to RDC, consider attending New Student Orientation on September 5, where you will learn about the many services available to our students on campus. Whether you’re returning, or you’re new, you will definitely want to check out our Week of Welcome – otherwise known as WoW.

Week Of Welcome
WoW runs from September 6 to 8, and consists of three awesome days of activities, fun, free swag, and FREE FOOD! Enough said, am I right?
You can find the Students’ Association in the Forum, and around the Far Side Bar & Grill throughout the entire first week of classes. We will also be at the Donald School of Business on September 7, bringing WoW to our students downtown.

If that’s not enough to get your WoW juices flowing, join us in the Far Side on the final day of WoW, Friday, September 8, for our WoW bash. Have some drinks, play some games, and enjoy some live music!

This exciting week of events is brought to you by your Students’ Association, in cooperation with Student Life and Residence. Be ready to be WoW’d!

The Students’ Association will help you jump-start your college year by providing a chance to meet fellow students, make new friends, and be a part of something fantastic! Check out www.sardp.ca, or like us on Facebook. You can also follow us on Twitter @SARDC and keep up with all of the exciting events coming your way.

This jam-packed week of fun wouldn’t be possible without the help of student leaders. If you want to get involved, send an email to [email protected] (William Baliko), [email protected] (Kara Canning), [email protected] (Marian Young) or [email protected] (Chaise Combs). There may be some volunteer experience, swag, and FREE beverages in it for you. See you in September!

New Student Orientation
You’ve applied. You’ve been accepted. Now what? Join us for New Student Orientation and learn all the ins and outs of the College and campus life on September 5, 2017.

At NSO you will meet other students, learn about your program, tour RDC, find out about college services and resources and more.

Interested in attending? Head to www.rdc.ab.ca/future-students/student-life/new-student-orientation


Your Voice MATTERS

Have you ever wanted to make things better?

Do you like to help your friends and classmates?

Does the idea of being in-the-know excite you?

Do you want to help direct and influence the future of Red Deer College?

If yes, then come out to your Students’ Association’s  Fall General Meeting September 17, hosted in your very own, student-run bar and grill, the Far Side Bar & Grill.

Even if you are not sure about your answers to the above, please do come for a chance to learn, receive some free goodies, and make new friends.

For more information, check out the Students’ Association website, Facebook page, Twitter @SARDC, posters on SA bulletin boards, and television screens around campus.

Thank you for taking a moment out of your summer to read this   your time, voice, and involvement make a difference.

Student Voices = Student Choices

The Students’ Association is here to represent all students on campus. This requires representation from the student body, which means we need your voice.

Here are some ways you can become engaged at RDC:

1) Students’ Association Council. It is the highest governing body of the Students’ Association and allows students to become involved with the decision-making process at the College, advocate for their peers, and gain life experience. Nominations open the first day of class.

Want more information? Contact Vice President Operations Marian Young at 403-356-4977 or [email protected]

2) Academic Council. This is the highest academic body on campus, responsible for policy and curriculum. Nominations for Academic Council open the first day of class.

Interested? Contact your Vice President College Affairs Kara Canning at 403-356-4971 or [email protected]

3) Volunteering. Stepping outside of yourself and committing to a higher purpose will allow you to have new, meaningful, and rewarding experiences. Volunteering is the perfect way to do just that. Grow, lead, and give back to your community to our community.

There are plenty of opportunities at the Students’ Association to expand your horizons. We want your time at Red Deer College to rank among the best years of your life. We recruit volunteers to help with multiple events including Week of Welcome, Mental Health Week, and Council elections. Your help is both appreciated, and essential! We will have you up to your ears in opportunities…

Want to become a part of a fun-filled, dedicated team of volunteers? Contact Chaise Combs, Vice President Student at 403-342-3200 or [email protected]

4) Committee Work. The Students’ Association has a variety of committees where student voices are needed, such as the Mental Health Committee. As a part of the Mental Health Committee, you can be a part of breaking down stigma and promoting positive mental heath.

Want to bring down stigma? Contact your Vice President College Affairs Kara Canning at 403-356-4971 or [email protected]


SA Used Bookstore: Buy used and save

The cost of tuition, rent, books — it all adds up. But, help is at hand. Your Students’ Association, through its Used Bookstore, can help stretch your book budget.

There are great deals on textbooks at the SA Used Bookstore. The books have been placed on consignment by individual students and the SA sells them on their behalf.

“It’s a win-win situation,” said Jessica Walker, coordinator of the SA Used Bookstore. “Students selling their books get to recoup a significant portion of the price of their books and students buying books get to save money.

“Books are sold on a first-come, first-served basis so it is important to consign your books early and if you are in the market for a used book, to check back often.”

Students consigning with the SA Used Bookstore receive payment, minus a small commission, once their books have sold. Consign or purchase your used textbooks for the Fall term now.

Make friends and pursue your passion: Join a Student Group

Believe it, or not – there’s more to college than the classroom. Step out of your comfort zone, volunteer your time, and get more involved in campus life. Consider joining one of the many Student Groups at Red Deer College.

Being a part of a Student Group gives you the opportunity to make friends and pursue your passions. If you’re a history buff, consider joining the History Society. If you’re a political junkie – why not join the Political Science Society, where you can debate others who share your interests? Being a part of one of these organizations means you can organize events, execute campaigns, and throw parties of your own!

Whether your passions align with the Nursing Society, Education Underground Society, Music Society, and so on, the opportunities to join a Student Group on campus are virtually endless. If you can’t find a group that matches your interests, we can help you start your own!

The Students’ Association wants you to have the best possible college experience – period. Together, we can make these the most memorable years of your life. Come on up to the SA office, pick up a student group package, fill it out, and start recruiting. Check out sardp.ca/student-groups/ for a listing of current groups!

Student Groups are a great way to get involved and take charge of your college experience. For details, contact Chaise Combs, Vice President Student Life at [email protected].


Health & Dental Plan FAQs

The Students’ Association is proud to offer an affordable health and dental plan for full-time Red Deer College students. The Student Benefits Plan was implemented by student referendum making the health and dental plan a requirement for all full time students at Red Deer College.

All RDC students enrolled in nine billable academic credits are included in the extended health and dental benefit plan. The charges for the benefit plan will appear on your Red Deer College fee statement. The benefit year runs from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018.

What if I already have extended health and dental coverage?
If you have comparable coverage, both health and dental, you may apply to waive the fees included on your fee statement. Each student is given one opportunity (this is your only opportunity) a year to waive the benefits. Confirmation of comparable coverage must be included in order to process the Waiver Form. It is the students’ responsibility to confirm that faxed or mailed waivers have been received by the Student Benefits Plan Office before the September 18, 2017 deadline. Please retain a copy of the waiver form for your personal file.

Provincial health care plans are not considered comparable coverage. Approval of waiver forms will result in the plan fee being credited back to your student account via the Cashier’s Office in October.

Opting out is a one- time process. Once you waive, the information carries over year to year, as long as you remain a full time student (minimum nine billable academic credits). If the student falls to part time status for a semester, they will need to submit a new waiver form when they enrol as a full time student.

Students are responsible for confirming their waiver status at the Student Benefits Plan Office prior to the deadline. There will be no exceptions or extensions for students who fail to submit their completed waiver form to the Student Benefits Plan Office before 4 p.m. Monday, September 18, 2017.

What benefits are included in the plan(s)?
A schedule of benefits can be obtained by visiting the Student Benefits Plan Office, or online at www.mystudentplan.ca (choose Students’ Association of Red Deer College).

Can I opt back into the Plan(s)?
Should you lose your existing comparable coverage, you can enrol in the student benefit plan(s). You must submit an enrollment form to the Student Benefits Plan Office before the September 18, 2017 deadline. Paying the health and dental fees alone will not enroll you in the Student Benefit Plan. Should you lose your alternate coverage during the benefit year, you can enroll in the student benefit plan. This must be done within 30 days of losing the coverage. Visit the Student Benefit Plan Office to make arrangements.

Can I add family to the plan(s)?
If you are a full time student (minimum of nine billable academic credits), you have one opportunity — this is your only opportunity — to purchase family coverage for your spouse and/or dependents by completing an application form at the Student Benefits Plan Office, and paying the family coverage fee. These fees are in addition to the student benefit fees charged on the RDC fee statement. The family add-on must be renewed annually. All applications and applicable fees must be received by the September 18, 2017 deadline.

How do I use the plan?
Please visit the Student Benefit Plan Office or visit: www.mystudentplan.ca (select Students’ Association of Red Deer College) to obtain your myBenefits direct bill card and to receive information about the benefit plan. New eligible students will be added to the benefit plan during the first 45 days of the semester. Please keep your receipts for eligible expenses incurred during this time period for submission to the insurance carrier upon completion of the enrolment process.

Remember: Waive, Enrol and Family Add-On Deadline for Fall 2017 is September 18, 2017 at 4 p.m.

The Student Benefits Office is located in Room 2010A, 100 College Boulevard., Red Deer, AB, T4N 5H5; phone 403-356-4982; fax 403-342-2834; email [email protected]; website www.mystudentplan.ca

Your SA: Serving RDC students

The Students’ Association tries to meet the needs of students in a variety of ways. It provides services and representation and is one the largest employers of students on campus through its businesses, the Far Side Bar & Grill and the Lift. Monies generated are used to provide services, events, awareness campaigns and help fund student scholarships and awards at RDC.

The Lift: As your on-campus convenience store, The Lift has you covered if you need a quick snack, hot or cold drink, headache remedy, batteries, pens and pencils or other items to deal with student life. The Lift is open seven days a week to serve you.

Far Side Bar & Grill: The Far Side Bar & Grill is there for you when you need a break, a bite to eat or a place to relax. The Far Side has breakfast, lunch and supper menus. Bar service begins at 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday, with a noon start on Fridays. Watch for special events.

Work with us
Looking for a meaningful part-time relationship? Or maybe just a part-time job? Working with the SA in one of our businesses (Far Side Bar, Far Side Grill, The Lift) could be the right fit for you! To apply drop off your resume, class schedule and cover letter at the SA office, above the Far Side.

RDC elects 2017-2018 SA executive

Students at Red Deer College elected the 2017-2018 Students’ Association executive March 14, 15 and 16 in its annual spring general election.

The new executive team is: William Baliko, President; Kara Canning, Vice President College Affairs; Marian Young, Vice President Operations and Chaise Combs, Vice President Student Life. The team officially takes office May 1, 2017.

The current executive team – Ben Fleury, President; Nonso Onwuekwe, Vice President Operations and Aiden Bridger, Vice President Student Life –
remain in office until April 30, 2017.

Fall Reading Break
Students also overwhelmingly showed their support for a fall Reading Break with 86.2 percent in favour of such a break being instituted at Red Deer College.

Student Ambassador program positivity helps students learn and grow

I was so shy when I came to the college, but through the Student Ambassador Program, I have had many opportunities to meet other students. I have even come to look forward to volunteering with new people.

The workshops offered by the Ambassador program are very practical. They have helped me to adjust to new experiences and the challenges of the RDC environment.

Every event that happens through the Ambassador program is so positive — always focused on building up the students and showing us how to become more independent and rely on our strengths — while also giving us time to get to know the other students and work together.

I never saw myself as a public speaker but after only a few months in the program, I was enjoying teaching other students and looking for more ways to interact with new students. Several of the people that I met through the Ambassador program have become my closest friends at the college. Faculty are so understanding about the stresses that the students face.

The support of the faculty and the flexibility of the workshops have allowed me to continue participating in the program, while working full-time and managing a moderate course load.



Long Night Against Procrastination

Get together and get it done Wednesday, March 15!

RDC Library is pleased to host a Long Night Against Procrastination, a nation-wide “study blitz” event that provides supported after-hours study space, services, and stress relief. The event runs from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

RDC’s LNAP will happen in the Library, with drop-in services available (research help, citation help, tech help, writing help, subject tutors).

Snacks and light beverages will be provided thanks to the generous support of the Students’ Association of RDC.