
Health plan coverage continues until August 31

Student Benefits Plan … Did You Know Health and dental plan coverage continues until August 31; it does not end at the completion of the school year. The new benefit […]

Soothing RDC students’ stress heading into mid-terms, final projects and exams

Stressed? Most students would respond with a resounding YES! The constraints of limited budgets, pressures of work-school-life balance, weight of nagging deadlines and looming exams coupled with anxiety, loneliness and […]

On Point & On Time: The importance of being informed and voting

With the Students’ Association elections just around the corner, I wanted to remind you about the importance voting. The Students’ Association is here to represent you, as a student at […]

Students’ Association Executive Elections approaching

The Students’ Association of Red Deer College (of which you are a member!) is holding its annual Executive Election. At the end of the election process a brand-new Students’ Association […]

On Point & On Time: Consider running for SA executive council

This school year has been a blast! There are parties and events happening at least once a week and the students are making a change in their education by voicing […]

Let your voice be heard during the 2014-2015 SA Executive Elections

It’s the time of the year to let your voice be heard and make it matter. The Students’ Association of Red Deer College Executive Council Election is coming this March […]