
Congratulations to the Incoming 2022/2023 Team!

Because of you, we are excited to share that our voter turn out for the 2022/2023 Students’ Association General Election was 17%, which is an increase of 7% when compared […]

2022/2023 General Election Candidate Profiles

We have officially entered election week here at Red Deer Polytechnic and we are excited to share the candidates with you! We are sharing the candidate profiles on our website […]

Notice to Membership: Proposed Bylaw Amendments

NOTICE TO MEMBERSHIP Students’ Association of Red Deer Polytechnic   As per Article 13 of the Association Bylaws, notice of Bylaw changes must be submitted to the Membership 21 days […]

Faking It Until You Make It

By: Savannah Snow, SARDP President   “What do you do on the days you don’t feel that confident?” “Uh, fake it.” “Till you make it?” “Yeah, why not? It’s either […]


In light of the recent announcement regarding the continuance of online learning, the Students’ Association of Red Deer Polytechnic has decided to release their thoughts on the matter. We realize […]

Giving Back to Our Community

By: Brenan Fuiten, VP External It’s that time of the year where Mariah Carey makes a yearly comeback, and we all start to feel a little more jolly! This time […]